
We know how learners learn

Everything we design is rooted in the principles of 'accelerated, multi-sensory, whole-brain learning'. That means that ideas are brought alive and everything sticks for every member of the group – whatever their learning style – and the ideas stay with them long after the event.   

Our Learning Architect has unique experience in this field. He worked alongside Tony Buzan for more than a decade and has designed and delivered huge programmes across the world.

We have a seven stage approach 

  • Define specific measurable results,

  • Spark interest with compelling reasons to be there,

  • Connect with their emotions,

  • Everything is active, and everything is discussed–in pairs or larger groups,

  • Sustain their attention – appealing to all learning styles,   

  • Make everything memorable, and test that they remember,

  • Move them into specific action during and after the event, 

  • Provide follow-up materials that review, refresh and reinforce what they've learned.